Операция по пересадке волос — это процедура, меняющая жизнь, которая повлияет на вашу жизнь и ваше благополучие на долгие годы вперед. Это нормально — нервничать и задавать вопросы по поводу такой важной процедуры. Такие вопросы, как «Подхожу ли я кандидат?», «Сколько времени занимает процесс?», «Как мне добраться до клиники?», «Какова стоимость операции?», «Что я должен знать перед этим?» операция?», «Как мне подготовиться к операции?», «Что мне делать после операции?» и т. д. — все это актуальные вопросы от пациентов, желающих сделать операцию.
В Civas Hair Transplant наша цель — обеспечить наилучшее лечение и уход каждому нашему пациенту. Это начинается с помощи пациенту понять процесс в целом, чтобы он мог принять обоснованное решение. Вот полное руководство по операции по пересадке волос в нашей клинике, шаг за шагом объясняющее весь процесс, от первого контакта до послеоперационного ухода.
Вы провели все исследования и выбрали трансплантацию волос Civas. Что дальше? Первым шагом на пути к пересадке волос является обращение в клинику за консультацией, чтобы определить, являетесь ли вы подходящим кандидатом для этой процедуры. В компании Civas Hair Transplant один из наших координаторов пациентов будет сопровождать вас на каждом этапе пути, чтобы облегчить вам весь процесс.
При первом обращении вас попросят прислать фотографии задней, передней и боковых сторон головы. Вас также спросят о ваших ожиданиях от операции. Как только один из наших дерматологов оценит ваши фотографии и поставит диагноз, мы свяжемся с вами с оценкой количества необходимых вам трансплантатов и ценой.
Пожалуйста, имейте в виду, что это всего лишь оценка. В день операции, когда вас лично осматривает дерматолог, количество графтов, которые можно взять и пересадить, может варьироваться. Однако не волнуйтесь: если будет собрано больше графтов, мы оплатим цену, указанную вам на первичной консультации. Если будет собрано меньше графтов, цена будет скорректирована в соответствии с фактическим количеством взятых трансплантатов.
Вы также будете проинформированы о наличии свободных мест в клинике. Учитывая, что в Civas Hair Transplant мы проводим только ОДНУ процедуру в день, мы рекомендуем вам сделать предварительный заказ как можно скорее.
После оформления бронирования вы можете забронировать билет в Анкару, ТУРЦИЯ. Мы также требуем, чтобы вы отправили информацию о своем билете, чтобы ваш координатор пациентов мог организовать для вас трансфер из аэропорта, размещение и трансфер в клинику. Все это включено в ваш пакет. Вам нужно только забронировать билет и получить визу, если потребуется. Мы позаботимся обо всем остальном.
Пожалуйста, убедитесь, что вы соблюдаете визовые требования, чтобы обеспечить беспрепятственное и беспроблемное путешествие в Турцию.
Вы можете проверить визовые требования для вашей страны по ссылке ниже: Visa Page
Ваш координатор пациентов свяжется с вами, чтобы предоставить вам всю необходимую предоперационную информацию, например, что можно и чего нельзя делать, а также ответить на любые вопросы, которые могут у вас возникнуть. По прибытии в Анкару вас встретят в аэропорту и отвезут в отель. Мы рекомендуем вам приехать за день до операции, чтобы вы могли отдохнуть и/или немного осмотреть достопримечательности.
В день операции вас рано заберут из отеля и отвезут в нашу клинику, где вы встретитесь с нашими дерматологами мирового уровня. Во время личной консультации дерматологи предоставят вам некоторую общую информацию об операции, оценят ваш случай лично и приступят к дизайну линии роста волос . Важно помнить, что каждый пациент индивидуален, поэтому каждый результат различен. Мы можем гарантировать, что наши специалисты будут работать с вами, чтобы дать вам наилучший результат в вашей конкретной ситуации, оценивая вашу донорскую область, густоту и тип волос.
Перед началом операции вас попросят подписать форму согласия. Вам также будут даны инструкции, которым необходимо следовать. Если у вас есть еще вопросы, сейчас самое время их задать. Прежде чем приступить к операции, будут сделаны несколько фотографий «ДО» и проверены ваши жизненно важные органы.
Следующим шагом будет введение анестезии. В компании Civas Hair Transplant нам очень повезло, что у нас есть доктор Акпинар, который лично вводит анестезию пациентам, прежде чем приступить к открытию канала, экстракции и этапам имплантации.
Пересадка волос – трудоемкая процедура. Большинство процедур занимают до 6-8 часов. В середине операции вам предоставят обед. Пожалуйста, заранее сообщите своему координатору пациентов о ваших диетических потребностях и ограничениях, чтобы можно было приготовить что-нибудь в соответствии с вашими предпочтениями.
После окончания операции ваши жизненные показатели снова будут контролироваться. После операции будут сделаны фотографии, и вы получите послеоперационные инструкции. Вам также будут предоставлены лекарства, шампунь и лосьон, среди прочего. Затем вы снова отправляетесь в отель, где сможете отдохнуть на ночь.
На следующий день после операции вас заберут из отеля и привезут обратно в наш офис для снятия повязки и первого мытья головы. Первое мытье волос очень важно для процесса заживления. Именно поэтому первое мытье волос проводит в клинике обученный техник. Вас проверят на наличие признаков инфекции или воспаления, а также проинструктируют и покажут, как мыть волосы. Мы рекомендуем мыть волосы один раз в день, каждый день в течение следующих 10 дней. Наш дерматолог даст несколько советов по уходу, которые помогут вам сохранить имеющиеся волосы, и при необходимости выпишет вам рецепт.
После этого дня вы можете вернуться в свою страну или исследовать Турцию. Напоминаем, что для того, чтобы увидеть окончательные результаты пересадки волос, требуется 1-1,5 года. Наша работа не заканчивается на операции. Будьте уверены, что ваш координатор пациентов будет поддерживать с вами связь, чтобы следить за вами и следить за тем, чтобы процесс выздоровления проходил гладко. Мы просто просим вас присылать нам фотографии передней, задней и боковых сторон головы каждый месяц, чтобы мы могли отслеживать ваш прогресс.
Pain and needle phobia, complications (bleeding, infections),success of hair transplant, permanent result. For details you could read our article named as “importance of the doctor consultation in hair transplant day.
Since hair transplant turkey surgery is done under local anesthesia, it is not painful at all. The first two injections might be slightly uncomfortable but not unbearable. The second day after surgery, there might be some discomfort or pain that fades away gradually in a few days as the donor area heals. In the first washing after bandage removal, there is some slight sting on the donor area as the tiny wounds are still open. However when you wash the second time, there won’t be any pain.
Hair transplant turkey is basically a dermatological operation that does not affect any major body organs; this makes it safer than other invasive surgeries. But like other surgeries, there can be a slight risk, especially if the patient has bleeding problems. To prevent any risk you need to observe the following before the surgery: Do not take aspirin one week to the operation Do not take antidepressants and blood thinner pills one week to the operation Do not smoke one week after the operation Do not take any alcohol 3 days to the operation Do not take multivitamins or herbal medication 1 week to the operation
The First Night And A Day After The Procedure:
Just as the sun has adverse effects to the skin, so is your hair too. The suns UV rays penetrate the skin and destroy the cells of the newly transplanted grafts; which can adversely affect the survival of the grafts and the final outcome. Immediately after the surgery up to 2 months after the surgery, patients are required to protect their hair from the sun by wearing a hat/cap every time they step outside in the sun.
Any lose cap or hat would do. Do not wear anything tight on your head after hair transplant surgey.
Yes. Transplanted hairs grow. If the patient observes care during the post surgery period, almost all the transplanted hair will grow. Factors that may hinder growth of new hair are: Hitting or scratching the transplanted hair the first few days after hair transplant. Hair transplant in Turkey Wearing tight head gear after the surgery may pull out the grafts Drinking alcohol or smoking too much a few days after the surgery. Hair transplant in Turkey Exposing the sensitive recipient area to the sun.
The answer to this question is, FUE hair transplant is not temporary it is indeed a permanent solution for hair loss. During the your FUE surgery, hair is will be taken from areas of the donor scalp and transplanted to the affected areas. The transplanted hair follicles will retain the same characteristics of their origin. The hair will continue to grow for life, even if it was transplanted to an area with hair loss. Your newly transplanted hair is not more ‘fragile’ than your normal hair. Fill free to wash it, cut it and generally treat it as you do your original hair. Are You Expecting A Permanent Full Head Of Hair After Surgery? A number of times patients have unrealistic expectations, it is our duty at Civas Hair Transplant to know our patients expectations, explain and give our patients enough information about the transplant procedure. In a few months after the procedure, the new hair grafts will naturally shed, but over the next 10 to 15 months the new transplanted hair will grow, thicken, mature and will be permanent like the original hair. The main surgeon has the right combination of technical skill and artistic design approach for excellent results.
Question: I am 22 years old and I started losing my hair 3 years ago. My hair loss is genetic as my father and elder brother have hair loos too. Is it advisable for me to do a hair transplant now? You are right, if your hair loss is genetic, you are more likely to lose more hair in the future. Lets say you do a hair transplant now, improve the density of your frontal hair, the temples and hairline. You will just look good for a few years before it catches up with you. In say 4-5 years when you are 29, the density of your frontal and crown hair will reduce, while the hairline and temples will remain permanently dense. You may have a chance to do another surgery at that time, since your donor hair might still be healthy. But think about it; the more you age, the more hair you lose, resulting in unnaturally distributed hair, thus the more you will crave for more hair transplants until you might no longer have sufficient donor area. So, to avoid being caught up in this chain, its better to wait until you are about 27-30, when your hair loss pattern will be stable, and you are no-longer losing more hair. At that time, a permanent donor hair can be selected and a realistic hair transplant plan can be done catering for your future hair loss.Then you can do the hair transplant surgery. As of now, you should greatly consider maintaining your existing hair, and preventing further hair loss. You need to see a hair loss specialist, who should prescribe medication like finasteride, minoxidil, rogaine, propecia accordingly that will help maintain your existing hair. The main reasons why patients should not have a hair transplant in their early 20s is first their unrealistic expectations at that time. At that time, they want to have dense frontal hair and hairline. With this greed, they demand lots of grafts to be transplanted, not considering the future. Eventually, they end up not having enough donor hair for the future to correct the unnatural looking appearance with further hair loss. Secondly, since their hair loss has not matured yet, the probability of selecting a fully stable donor area is low. That leaves a likelihood of some of the transplanted hair to be lost too if the donor hair was not precisely well selected.
Civas Hair Transplant Has A 95% Success And Graft Survival Rate! For the hair transplantation to be successful, the hair follicles should be vascularized rapidly, that is they should “adhere” in the area where the follicles are placed. If done by a correct method, the success rate of hair transplantation is quiet high. Graft survival depends on a number of things but the most important is the experience of the team performing the procedure. An experienced team will make sure that the grafts stay for the optimal amount of time out of the body before placement, proper temperature and solution in which grafts are held, skillful trimming of the grafts, density of placement, correct distance, correct angle etc. Dr. Civas has over 20 years of experience and he has worked with the same team since 1999. We also perform one session of about 3000-3500 grafts avoiding over extraction which may lead to poor graft survival. With all these facts, you will have a natural and successful results with Civas Hair Tranplant.
The basic answer to this question lies on the patient’s concerns. Most patients are scared of having a visible linear scar, others are scared of shaving off all the hair. FUT and FUE are equally effective depending on the physician handling the case. There is no better or worse method. The patient needs to think about issues like if he/she minds having a scar depending on whether they want to wear their hair short or not, if they are fine with shaving or not. Another aspect to consider is the healing of the donor area; FUE patients heal faster since the method is less invasive. The number of grafts that can be extracted in my opinion does not depend on the method; both FUE and FUT can harvest equally sufficient grafts. On the overall outlook of the result, there is no difference in FUT and FUE since the result completely depends on the skill of the physician in creating recipient sites that would mimic the natural hair growth; and is completely independent of the harvesting technique.
U-FUE stands for Unshaven or Undetectable FUE, where hair is not shaved during the surgery. In the traditional FUE, all hair must be shaved to facilitate extraction and placement of grafts since most of the hair transplant surgery equipment only works with shaven hair. In U-FUE, only the grafts to be extracted are cut and extracted, while the rest of the untouched hair remains intact. Also in the recipient area, recipient sites are made within the existing hair. When healing, scabs and redness can be hidden by the existing hair. This helps make the surgery undetectable since the rest of the hair can cover the traces of the surgery from being noticed. The disadvantages are time, cost and less grafts transplanted. The work load involved in this surgery is more, so it will be more expensive and less grafts can be extracted.
We use the FUE method to extract the grafts, where grafts are taken from the donor area one by one. The extraction of the grafts is in two stages, drawing around the graft, then extracting the graft. We use the micro-motor to mark/draw around the graft, and then extract the graft manually. This method is effective as it minimizes damage of the grafts. We have a success rate of 97% with this method. Afterwords, incision sites are made on the recipient area, by lateral slits, to ensure density and proper angulation of the follicles to mimic the natural look. Fine 1s grafts are placed at the hairline, followed by 2s, 3s and 4 FUs which are filled up at the crown and frontal area. This is know an camouflage. We use 0.6mm punches for the finest grafts and 0.8mm for the larger grafts. This minimizes scarring and enables speedy recovery.
Dr. Civas hair transplant procedures result in transection rates below 3%, which is one of the best rates in the world.
Yes at Civas Hair Transplant Turkey, we have at least one hair transplant repair in a month. Some of the procedures we perform during repair are: Correction of an unnatural hairline Extraction of grafts that were transplanted too low on the forehead Redistribution of unevenly placed grafts Increasing the density of the frontal and crown area Improving the density of the hairline Revision of the FUT scar Correction of the old punch grafts pluggy look You can contact with us to get best hair transplant procedure in Turkey
Experiencing massive hair shedding within the 8-12 months after hair transplant is normal. The lost hair will grow again 3-4 months later. After this temporary shedding has recovered, the transplanted hair follicles preserve their characteristics and they are not shed. Hair growth has phases; growth phase, dormant phase and shedding phase. Transplanted hair is permanent for life time and cannot be lost unless you develop alopecia related skin infection. In the meantime Dr. Civas advises couple of things to prevent further hair loss. However, the original hair in the same area may continue to be lost and a new hair transplantation may be planned depending on the decrease in the hair density.
Yes we do. Hair transplant for afro hair patients can be challenging as the follicles are curved. This poses a difficulty in extraction. In many cases, we may not be able to harvest as many grafts as the straight hair patients in one session. African patients may need to come for a second surgery because of this.
For the best results and density, patients will have to shave. There are cases where unshaven is ideal – for example patients with high foreheads who want to lower their hairline – there is no need for them to shave the whole head. However, for patients who still have considerable dense hair on the recipient area, unshaven is not ideal for them.
Hair transplant limitations ? What factors affect the success of hair transplant? The basic logic of hair transplant; hair is taken from an aesthetically suitable area (donor) that will most likely not to be affected by hair loss and is transplanted to the desired area. The major limitations of hair transplantation are the patient’s expectations, the sufficiency of the donor hair, the size of the bald area, the cause of hair loss, experience of the surgical team and the possible medical risks. The basic logic of hair transplant; hair is taken from an aesthetically suitable area (donor) that will most likely not to be affected by hair loss and is transplanted to the desired area. The major limitations of hair transplantation are the patient’s expectations, the sufficiency of the donor hair, the size of the bald area, the cause of hair loss, experience of the surgical team and the possible medical risks. In female patients, the main factors that limit hair transplant are; the cause of hair loss, the prognosis and donor hair sufficiency. Female patients have different expectations from male patients. However young patients pose another more important limitation; they have very high expectations yet their hair loss is not stable. This is a group that should be carefully evaluated in terms age and expectations. Hair transplant in cicatricial alopecia cases is mostly limited by indications. Currently there are no precise conclusive judgments with regards to primary cicatricial alopecia cases. Theoretically, you can detect if the disease is chronic or not by monitoring the relapses. Unfortunately, there is no alternative treatment method for the patients to regain back the lost hair. Secondary cicatricial alopecia is caused by factors like burns, accidents, trauma and surgery. In such cases, hair transplant can produce satisfactory results if there is adequate blood supply in the scar tissue and sufficient donor hair. Other possible limitations which should be carefully evaluated before surgery; allergic reactions to medication used during the surgery and other side effects. The hair transplant candidate should also be evaluated in terms of local anesthesia as well as bleeding disorders. Increasing the capacity of the donor by hair cloning will eliminate the biggest limitation in hair transplantation. Additionally, another factor that can help eliminate this limitation is use of alternative donor hair from the beard, chest and legs.
I Would Like 5000 Grafts To Be Transplanted. Is It Possible For Dr. Civas To Do Very Large Number Graft Transfers? Hair Transplanting 5000 grafts in one session is surgically not advisable. Subjecting a patient’s scalp to too much extraction and implantation will put too much stress and strain on the scalp; this can lead to too much bleeding, discomfort and pain after hair transplant surgery, slow recovery and low graft survival. Secondly, we also have to look at donor density and availability. There is a percentage limit on how many grafts can be extracted in a specific area in order to leave sufficient hair coverage that will be undetectable after the hair transplant surgery. Extracting 5000 grafts hair transplant at once might leave the area looking open and sparse; which will not look natural. Thirdly, Its necessary to save some donor hair for future use if need arises. This will help cater for cases like future hair loss and low graft survival in a previous surgery. 5000 grafts hair transplant extracted will limit your donor hair for any other hair transplant surgery. Lastly, extremely long sessions might have low quality results. The level of concentration for the surgery staff is best within 9 hours; beyond that, the quality of service, precision and accuracy might be affected resulting in poor results in some places. Our recommendation is to stick to normal sessions of about 2500-3500 grafts hair transplant. Then you can observe the results, after one year, you can take another surgery to improve the results of the first surgery. For best result to have hair transplant in turkey please contact us and have free online consolation.
Definitely depends on your level of hair loss and availability of donor hair. For an advancing/advanced hair loss case, one might need 2-3 surgery sessions. At first the surgeon should fix/reconstruct your hairline and frontal hair. Then, you can come back for a second session after one year to fix the crown. For a simple hairline fixing, 1 session will be sufficient. Unless you continue losing your original hair in the future then you might need a second surgery to fill in the lost hair.
You will barely lose your transplanted hair, that is guaranteed. However you might lose some of the original hair if you genetically have the male pattern baldness characteristic. There are several treatments available that would help you maintain your existing hair; most of them have been mentioned by my colleagues. You need to consult a hair loss specialist to prescribe some form of suitable treatment.
The best donor hair is from the back of the scalp. Body hair might be used in various clinic, however the results might not be natural. Generally, only around 500-600 grafts can be harvested from body hair. The graft survival rate of body hair on the scalp is only 50%. The characteristics of body hair and scalp hair are not the same, for instance length, thickness, color and shading rate and cycle completely differ. For this reason, we do not encourage body hair transplant. However on special conditions like reconstructive surgery after an accident/burn or some cases of alopecia causing scars, body hair can be considered as donor.
Do you want to become a hair transplant surgeon? Here are some important points to note. It is advantageous to have dermatological skills and training as a basis. However, other medical professionals can also train in the field. To be better placed in the market after your experience, you need to apply for international hair transplant organization certifications like the ABHRS and memberships like ISHRS, ESHRS, AAHRS in order to learn more from other peers and share your experiences. You also need to be a member of the leading hair transplant forums in the world to interact with patients and people in the field. You should know how to perform both FUE and FUT. If you wish, you can also try to need to learn about other procedures e.g. PRP and A Cell that many hair transplant surgeons do. As a researcher, you can try to dig into robotic hair transplant and hair cloning. Baldness is a big issue in the world currently and has a very high demand and potential. If you are good at it, success in your career is a guarantee.
Hair loss can also be prevented by some FDA approved means.Laser hair growth treatment: where the scalp is exposed to low level laser energy using equipment like laser combs and helmets; to stimulate hair growth by improving blood circulation around the follicle. Medical treatments available are minoxidil; a foam or spray applied to the scalp twice a day and Finasteride which is a pill taken daily to prevent male pattern hair loss.
A lot of men experience hair loss at some point in their lives; in fact research indicates that 4 in 7 men have the baldness gene. Baldness can start at different ages; most men experience it at around the age of 35, however nowadays there are several cases of early hair loss in men, starting as early as 20s. The venture in to hair transplantation is becoming a really common medical practice, since men are seeking solutions to curb hair loss. Many men assume that baldness is a result of excessive testosterone but they are completely wrong. We will look deeply into this hormone causing the male pattern hair loss i.e. androgenic alopecia, as well as other factors that cause hair loss in men. This will make you more enlightened and well informed to practice preventive measures against hair loss early enough.
Добро пожаловать в Civas Hair Transplant, один из лучших центров восстановления волос в Турции.