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Hair Stem Cell Treatment Turkey

Hair stem cell treatment is an innovative approach used to address hair loss and promote hair regrowth. Stem cells, harvested from the patient’s body, are processed in a centrifuge, and injected into areas affected by hair loss. This stimulates the formation of new hair follicles. Hair stem cell treatment can be used in both men and women.

Current treatments can slow genetic hair loss rather than cure. Post-processing stem cell, or autologous cell transfer, are promising. Patients with hair loss that is genetic up to a stage benefit from this treatment.

Stem cells are cells that have the potential to turn into different types of cells. These are unspecialized cells that cannot do certain things in the body. Together, stem cells are used to stay or be other types of cells that can divide and renew. They help repair damaged tissues.

The procedure begins with a punch biopsy to extract stem cells from the person. The punch biopsy is performed using an instrument with a circular blade that’s rotated into the skin to remove a cylindrical sample of tissue. The stem cells are then separated from the tissue in a special machine called a centrifuge. It leaves a cell suspension that’s then injected back into the scalp in the areas of hair loss.

Who Is Suitable For Hair Stem Cell Therapy

Hair loss due to genetic reasons is used in Men and Women. It is also used in the early stages of hair loss.

How Are Hair Stem Sells Obtained

Behind the ear, the islands of skin, which fall from the fate area to the fatty tissue in the 2.5 mm room, are removed and placed in a special tool. The skin islands are prepared as a stem cell suspension in the instrument.

How Is Hair Stem Cells Treated

The skin islets obtained from behind the ear are for micron, and they are injected into the skin areas where the hair begins to fall out. The process takes approximately one hour.

Is Hair Stem Cell Treatment Process Painful

Since local anesthesia is applied to the area where the skin islets are to be removed, there is no pain in the treatment area. As stem cell injection is done with 32 G needles, pain is felt at a low level.

No recovery time is required, though excessive exercise should be avoided for a week. Some scarring can be expected where the fat has been removed. You won’t be able to drive yourself home following the procedure because of the effects of the local anesthesia.

Stem cell hair transplant success rate

The research available on the success rate of stem cell hair transplants is very promising. The results of the Italian study showed a 29 percent Trusted Source increase in hair density 23 weeks after the last treatment.

The clinics that currently offer stem cell hair therapies not approved by the FDA don’t make any guarantees in regard to results or success rates.

Stem cell therapy for hair loss is not only effective but also very convenient. It is a non-surgical procedure with impressive results. It is quite expensive right now, but further research and development will bring costs down in the future.

To understand how effective it is, allow me to mention what I didn’t say previously about the characteristic s of stem cells.

These cells are capable of generating other cells that are different from them in structure and function. Another essential characteristic is that stem cells are capable of self-renewal. This means that they can undergo cell division and produce other stem cells with the same function and purpose.

When Do The Results Of Hair Stem Cell Therapy Begin To Appear

One month after the procedure, the maximum results display in 6-12 months.

After What Age Is Hair Stem Cell Treatment Done

There is no age limit for treatment yet. The important thing is hair loss works without progress.

What Are The Side Effects Of Hair Stem Cell Therapy

There are no allergy or autoimmune risks, as it is made from the patient’s own tissue. Also, there is no foreign substance contribution. Although the skin islands were removed, there were risks such as infection, although they paid attention to sterilization.

What Should I Consider After Hair Stem Cell Therapy

It is enough to apply antibiotic cream for infection to the area where the skin islands are taken for a few days.
Does hair stem cell therapy replace hair transplantation?
Hair stem cell treatments will not be beneficial in the late stages of hair loss with patients who have had hair loss and lost their roots.

Can It Be Combined With Hair Transplantation

There are no results showing that it is beneficial to carry out the procedure together. The general belief is that it should be considered as separate applications.

Stem cell-based therapies have recently received lots of attention as potential novel treatments that focus on reactivating hair follicle stem cells and in this way enhance hair follicle growth, regeneration and development. Depending on the degree of hair loss, this regenerative medicine therapy may be considered.

What is hair stem cell therapy or stem cell therapy?

Stem cells are cells that have the potential to transform into different types of cells found in the body. These are cells that cannot do a specific job in the body and do not specialize in a task. These cells remain in the body as stem cells and can divide and renew themselves to become other types of cells. They help repair certain tissues in the body by dividing and replacing damaged tissues.

Who is suitable for hair stem cell therapy?

It is used in the treatment of hair loss related to genetic causes in men and women. Better results are obtained in patients who are used in the early stages of hair loss.

How are hair stem cells obtained?

Skin islands with a thickness of up to 2.5 mm in diameter, taken from behind the ear canal, are removed and placed in a special tool. The skin islands are prepared as a stem cell suspension in the instrument.

How is hair stem cells treated?

The skin islets obtained from the back of the ear are separated into micron level particles and injected into the skin areas where the hair begins to fall off. The process takes approximately one hour.

Is hair stem cell treatment painful?

Since local anesthesia is applied to the area where the skin islets are to be removed, there is no pain during the procedure. As stem cell injection is done with 32 G needles, pain is felt at a low level.

When do the results of hair stem cell treatments begin to appear?

Stem cells that are transplanted one month after the procedure begin to take effect, maximum results are seen in 6-12 months.

After what age can hair stem cell treatment be done?

There is no age limit for treatment yet. The important thing is to make the hair loss before it progresses.

What are the side effects of hair stem cell therapy?

There are no allergy or autoimmune risks, as it is made from the patient’s own tissue. Also, there is no foreign substance contribution. Sterilization should be considered in the area where the skin islands are removed, otherwise risks such as infection may occur.

What should I consider after hair stem cell therapy?

It is enough to apply an antibiotic cream for infection to the area where the skin islands are taken for a few days.

Does hair stem cell therapy replace hair transplantation?

Hair stem cell treatments will not be beneficial in the late stages of hair loss with patients who have had hair loss and lost their roots.

Can hair stem cell therapy be combined with hair transplantation?

There are no results showing that it would be beneficial to carry out the procedure together. The general belief is that it should be considered as separate applications.

Autologous Hair Stem Cell Transfer Treatment

Autologous hair stem cell transfer is a treatment used to combat andogenetic alopecia and other hair loss problems. The application is a single session.

The treatment is also injected into the suspension of patients (autologous) cells. Injected stem cells are natural healing cells that function as a repair system in the body by renewing the adult tissues of the body and increasing the number of progenitor cells through mitosis in the treated area. Autologous hair stem cell transfer has proven efficacy in scientific studies.

The application is taken from the back of the ear with 3 pieces of skin containing 2.5mm diameter hair follicles and is treated to be divided into particles smaller than 50 microns. The hair stem cells, which are converted into a solution, are injected into the shed areas of the scalp. It takes 2-3 months for the results to be observed. Treatment usually does not require auxiliary treatments.

Benefits And Advantages Of Autologous Hair Stem Cell Transplantation

  • Outpatient procedure.
  • Supports natural hair growth.
  • Other treatments, such as allergic reactions, infection or scalp irritation, have no side effects.
  • Stimulates weak or old follicles.
  • Strengthens hair follicles.
  • It can stop the hair loss process.
  • Can heal fine and damaged hair.
  • Strengthens existing hair.
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