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La greffe de cheveux FUE est-elle une réussite ?

How Successful is FUE Hair Transplant?
La greffe de cheveux FUE est-elle une réussite ? 9

Is FUE Hair Transplant Successful?

Having an unsuccessful FUE hair transplant can be very disappointing, embarrassing and traumatising since the transplanted hair is permanent, so if you are preparing to have an FUE surgery, you may be wondering how successful the results may be.

At Civas Hair Transplant that is best hair transplant clinic in turkey we have a 98% success rate with our FUE hair transplant surgeries and this is more successful than over-the-counter hair restoration products. Some factors below should be considered for successful hair transplantation.

Donor Quality

The donor area is the back side and side parts of the hair. If your donor area is containing thicker grafts it will give superior results.

What’s Your Expectations From Surgery?

We always advise our patients to have more realistic expectations. Unrealistic expectations from the surgery are often the reason for anxiety and disappointment after the surgery.

It is very important to know who will do your surgery and what kind of experience they have in this field.

Experience Of The Surgeon

Dr. Civas has over 20 years of experience in the field of hair transplant, since 1999 through his dedication and commitment in this field he has accomplished over 4000 successful FUE and FUT hair transplant surgeries. In Civas Hair Transplant that ise best hair transplant clinic in Turkey hair transplant procedures are operated by Dr Civas.

Qualification Of The Surgeon

The hair surgeon must have credentials worthy to carry out a surgery like this.

Time Duration Of Surgery

An ideal hair transplant surgery at Civas Hair Transplant comprising of 3000- 3500 grafts implantation should take approximately 6–8 hours. Any time taken beyond this compromises the results.

Over Extraction Of Grafts With FUE Causing Visible Scars

You should avoid too much extraction should be avoided as it causes scars to the donor area.

We offer our patient a free online consultation where we provide detailed information of graft estimates provided directly by the best hair transplant surgeon after examining patients photos.

Surgical Team

Hair transplant team is not a one man army. It is usually done by a group of assistants helping the main hair transplant surgeon.

In Civas Hair Transplant that is best hair transplant clinic in Turkey, Dr. Civas will perform the procedure with the help of two leading hair transplant specialists and they are (university graduate trained nurses) and a medical assistant.

Is FUE Hair Transplant Permanent?

The answer to this question is, FUE hair transplant is not temporary it is indeed a permanent solution for hair loss. During the your FUE surgery, hair is will be taken from areas of the donor scalp and transplanted to the affected areas.

The transplanted hair follicles will retain the same characteristics of their origin. The hair will continue to grow for life, even if it was transplanted to an area with hair loss.

Your newly transplanted hair is not more ‘fragile’ than your normal hair.

Fill free to wash it, cut it and generally treat it as you do your original hair.

Are You Expecting A Permanent Full Head Of Hair After Surgery?

A number of times patients have unrealistic expectations, it is our duty at Civas Hair Transplant to know our patients expectations, explain and give our patients enough information about the transplant procedure.

In a few months after the procedure, the new hair grafts will naturally shed, but over the next 10 to 15 months the new transplanted hair will grow, thicken, mature and will be permanent like the original hair.

The main surgeon has the right combination of technical skill and artistic design approach for excellent results.

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